Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Side Plank | How to Do side Plank Correctly?


Side Plank | How to Do side Plank Correctly?

Performing a side plank correctly is essential for effectively targeting the muscles of the core, specifically the obliques and stabilizing muscles. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do a side plank correctly:

  1. Starting Position:

    • Begin by lying on your side on an exercise mat or the floor. Align your body so that your elbow is directly beneath your shoulder.
    • Stack your feet on top of each other, with your legs fully extended. Alternatively, you can modify by bending your bottom knee and placing it on the ground for added stability.
  2. Engage Your Core:

    • Activate your core muscles by drawing your navel towards your spine and tightening your abdominal muscles.
    • Focus on maintaining a straight line from your head to your heels, avoiding any sagging or dipping in the hips.
  3. Lift Your Hips:

    • Press into your supporting elbow and forearm as you lift your hips off the ground. Your body should form a straight line from your head to your heels.
    • Keep your shoulder blades pulled back and down to prevent rounding of the upper back.
  4. Maintain Proper Alignment:

    • Ensure that your shoulders are stacked directly above your elbow, and your hips are lifted in line with your shoulders and heels.
    • Avoid letting your hips sag towards the floor or hiking them up towards the ceiling.
  5. Focus on Stability:

    • Hold the side plank position for the desired duration while maintaining proper form and alignment.
    • Keep your neck in a neutral position by looking straight ahead or slightly upwards, avoiding any strain or tension in the neck.
  6. Breathe:

    • Breathe steadily and rhythmically throughout the exercise, inhaling deeply through your nose and exhaling fully through your mouth.
    • Avoid holding your breath, as proper breathing helps maintain core engagement and stability.
  7. Switch Sides:

    • After completing the desired duration on one side, carefully lower your hips back to the ground and switch to the opposite side to work the other oblique muscles.
    • Repeat the side plank on the other side, focusing on maintaining proper form and alignment throughout.
  8. Progression:

    • As you become stronger, you can increase the intensity of the side plank by lifting your top leg, extending your top arm overhead, or adding a hip dip or rotation for additional challenge.

Incorporate side planks into your core workout routine as part of a circuit or perform them individually for targeted oblique strengthening. Focus on quality over quantity, and gradually increase the duration or intensity as your strength improves over time. Proper form and alignment are key to maximizing the effectiveness of the side plank exercise and minimizing the risk of injury.

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